Saturday, 17 September 2016

Electronic Weighing Balances.

Weighing balances are used in industrial and research laboratories.

Weighing balances are further classified into Precision Balances, Analytical Balances, Semi Micro balances and Micro balances.

Selection of the balance depends on the required readability ( i.e. grams or milligrams).
Other factors that play role in selection are weighing capacity - minimum and maximum weight it can weigh.
Repetability - ability to show the same result when object is repeatedly weighed under similar condition.
Weighing environment and stabilization period.

Weighing balances provide different functions and can be interfaced with computers for storing and analyzing weighment data.

Weighing balances are sensitive device and need to be handled very carefully.
For accurate reading they need to be placed where there is no vibration, interference from air current and static charges. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a nice blog...It is very useful and informative..
